Friday, 29 September 2017

You Can Do It


Our brother in the Lord, David, took our meeting today, at over eighty years old he has found himself a new hobby, Decopatch. He explained that his daughter had introduced him to it. David loves elephants so the first Decopatch he did was an elephant. 

He showed us quite a few things he had done 

and invited anyone to have a go. 

The simplicity of it struck most of us, and yet it was transforming, it changed a quite ordinary object into something quite beautiful. A Horlicks jar had been transformed into a very pretty and useful container for all kinds of things. Showing that it had not outlived its usefulness when it was empty of Horlicks.

David explained that it had reminded him of how we can all feel at times that we can’t do anything, that we have outlived our usefulness, we may believe we are too old, or too infirmed. But God has promised to supply all our needs, and especially when our work is for Him. It is when we try in our own strength and provisions that we are apt to fail. God may ask us to do something we have never done before, but if it is God’s will for us to serve Him in something then He will supply what we need.

David explained how years previous had had visited a widow who asked him to do the funeral, he tried to evade it, he didn’t think he could do it, he didn’t believe he was up to the job, but the lady insisted, and so he did it, how did he do it? By prayer and trusting in the Lord to help and guide him. God supplied all that was necessary for David to take that funeral and many others afterwards. We all have talents God has given us, and if we are willing to use them for His service, then He will help us by His Holy Spirit.

David found that when he made a mistake with the Decopatch, he could easily cover it up. Many people in their lives try to cover up their mistakes and sins, but it does not make them feel any better. There is only one way to deal with sin, and that is to repent and turn away from your sinful life and put your trust in Jesus. Scripture tells us that we are all guilty of breaking God’s laws, and because of that we will be judged and condemned. But it doesn’t have to be that way because God has provided a way for us to be forgiven and that way is Jesus, God’s son. He took the punishment for our sin so that we don’t have to. They are not just covered over but they are put on Jesus, on the cross. They are gone for good.

Naaman, was a man in the Bible who had leprosy, he was advised to go to a prophet to be healed. The prophet sent a message to him, telling him to bathe seven times in a certain river. 
2 Kings 5 10 And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored to you, and you shall be clean.” 
Naaman was furious, why hadn’t the prophet come out himself to speak to him, and why couldn’t he go to a better river, this was too simple, Naaman was expecting something grand. At first he refused, but after a while he was persuaded and he did as he was instructed, Naaman was healed of his leprosy.

People can respond that way to the gospel, they think it is too simple, surely they must have to do something, no, you don’t. Everything needful for your forgiveness and new life was done by Jesus. You will find that the sacrifice that Jesus made for you on the cross was the greatest thing ever done in the whole of human history. There is nothing greater can be done for your salvation.

Don’t walk about patched up, receive forgiveness and new life in Christ. Then use your God given talents for His service and glory. You will be surprised at what you can do with God enabling you.

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