Wednesday, 30 August 2017

All Different

I took some plastic bottles to the Home League, all different shapes and sizes and took the labels off and the lids. I then challenged the ladies as to what had been in the bottles and if they could find the right top for the right bottle. They did quite well, although there were a few guesses before they got the right one. Each bottle had its own unique liquid in that had its own unique use. You wouldn't find bleach in the sauce bottle!!

Many times, we look at other people and wish we could do what they are doing, they seem so talented, or confident but we must realise that God has made us all different, and He has given to each of us a unique gift, or talent, and everything that is used for His service is not useless. All that we do in His service is done for His glory and honour, not our own, and nothing is too small or menial when it is done for Him. Rather than looking at others and wishing we could do what they do, we should thank God that we can be of service to Him, no matter how small it seems. A phone call to someone on their own means such a lot to the person, though it may not seem much to us.

There is no age limit on serving the Lord, we can serve Him right to the end. It has nothing to do with age, intellect, theology etc. It has to do with loving and serving the One who first loved us and saved us by His grace. The following week the ladies brought varies things that had encouraged them in the week, Bible verses, poetry, and stories. One of our ladies brought in a story that she has put up on her blog, which you can find here. Cripple Tom and His Texts.  I trust it will be an encouragement to you dear reader as you live to serve the Lord.

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