Thursday 24 January 2019


We decided we would have another lady’s weekend this year, on Saturday June 1st the theme being ‘There is a Message’. And so, we spent the afternoon talking about preparation, and choosing some songs. There will be much to do over the coming weeks to prepare for this event, which made me think about the Christian and preparation, how did I prepare to become a Christian? And of course, the answer is, I didn’t, when I look back over the years even before I was a Christian, I can see how God prepared my heart to receive the gospel.

The Bible tells us we have all sinned, that our righteousness before God is as filthy rags. Of course, we don’t realise at the time, we think that what we are doing by going to church, and being kind, and giving money to the church will all be of some credit to us when we finally leave this earth, but it won’t and it isn’t.

There is a parable in the Bible about a man who sowed seed, and he sowed it everywhere, some of it fell on hard rocky ground so it couldn’t take root, some of it fell among thorn and thistles and got choked, but some fell on good soil, it was watered, and the sun shone on it, and up it came and bore fruit, it yielded a harvest. You may be wondering what that has to do with preparation, well, I don’t believe the good soil just happened, if you know anything about gardening, then you know that if you want a good crop of veg or flowers you will have to prepare the soil, dig it over, fertilise it, and make it ready to receive the seed.

Even when we don’t realise it, God is preparing our hearts and minds to hear and respond to the gospel, the good news. What is the gospel you may ask, it is good news for every sinner, there is not a person on the planet who has not violated God’s laws. When we violate the law of the land then we are taken before a judge, pronounced guilty and punished. So, it is with God’s laws, everyone has violated them, and one day must stand before God to be judged, condemned, and punished. What a fearful prospect you exclaim, yes, it is, but, here comes the good news, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for our sins. He took the punishment by being hung on a cross, but, and here is more good news, on the third day He rose from the grave, and one day we will all be resurrected, we will have new bodies and live eternally with God and His Son, Jesus.

God has brought you to this website today to hear the good news of the gospel, He has been preparing your heart to hear this and receive it. God has done a lot of preparation for your salvation, it doesn’t just happen overnight. Will you repent of your sins, turn away from your sins, and receive Jesus as your Saviour? God will then continue to prepare you to be with Him eternally.

We won’t stop preparing for our event until all is in place and the day arrives when we can all enjoy it.

God will continue to help you grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus, by prayer and study of God's Word, the Holy bible. Preparing you not only to share this good news yourself with others, but also for the time when you will be with Him eternally. Praise the Lord

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