Sunday, 20 September 2015

Look at the Birds of the Air

Major Ruth took the meeting on the 15.09.15 and the theme for the afternoon was birds. Apparently it is one of Major’s favourite subjects on which she is quite knowledgeable (She knew more than I do that’s for sure). She asked the ladies which were their favourite kind of bird, most said the robin, someone liked the African parrot and someone else liked all the birds of prey. When asked if anyone had any stories relating to birds there were quite a few ladies with a story to tell. June had once nursed a magpie back to health which she said whilst she had it, it would take the clothes pegs off the line as fast as she was putting them on. Dori said she had once embodied a tawny owl when she heard Beryl say that she had owned two, apparently they are better than having a guard dog, Beryl always felt safe whilst she had them, but the time came when she had to move into a bungalow and they couldn’t go with her and so her son took them to his home. As soon as the birds had gone poor Beryl was burgled. As a child another of our ladies said that never having seen a picture of a golden eagle when they went to a zoo and were told they would see one she thought they would be gold colour. 

Major Ruth had stories to tell us too of her adventures with birds, her family paid for a year’s subscription to the RSPB and she received a book with it about all the common birds in Britain. But she reminded us that when you look closely at these birds they are all different, no two sparrows are the same and she reminded us also that scripture tells us that God cares about the sparrows, He knows when one falls so how much more does He care about us. Matthew 10: 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Obviously we could not have a talk about birds without the song ‘There are hundreds of Sparrows’. The last verse which isn't in the video says:

There are hundreds of children, thousands, millions,
And yet their names are written on God's memory;
There are hundreds and thousands, millions of children,
But God knows everyone and God knows me.

All who are in Christ are God’s children and are valuable to Him, there is nothing He does not know about us and our needs. Major Ruth told us how the Eagle teach their young to fly, they cannot fly instinctively but have to be taught, so there they are on top of a cliff and they haven’t got a clue how to fly, apparently mum calls to the chicks who come to the edge of the cliff and then they’re on their way down, but mum comes underneath them and takes them back up to the nest, and so it’s repeated until they know how to use their wings and are strong enough to go it alone. What a wonderful picture of how God teaches us in our spiritual growth of course there is just one difference, He never leaves us. But He will carry us and lift us up especially in times of trial. Ruth reminded of the wonderful scripture in Isaiah 40:31.Those little eaglets didn’t try and go it alone they waited for mum, and the verse in Isaiah tells us that we should wait upon the Lord and not try to go it alone. 

Major Ruth talked also about the bird of paradise, and how beautiful it is and reminded us that one day we shall be the radiant bride of the Lord Jesus. We have a glorious hope and future nothing we have now compares to what is to come.  Revelation 2: 7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

We ended the meeting with the chorus:
I know he cares for me, for me,
I know he cares for me, for me;
I'll trust my Father in Heaven
For I know that he cares for me.

We were all given a bird of promise, 
Major Ruth had cut out these birds 
and put a promise from scripture in each one for us to keep.

Friday, 11 September 2015

The Worst and the Best

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way. Quote from the Tale of Two cities by Charles Dickens

My daughter and her family as they sit and have their evening meal discuss what has happened during the day, they talk about what the worst of the day was and what was the best. Sometimes the parents can pick up things that are happening to their children that they can help with, everyone is relaxed and honest as they talk. And that is how we should be in God’s company, relaxed and honest, able to share with Him the worst and the best knowing that He will always listen.

We never know what kind of influence we can have on a young life, and we should be willing to listen to them and help them and not ignore what they have to say as though it is of no importance. I had some clay strands that I made a little something with and as I moved it about I read out this poem.

We live in a world of contrasts
Well fed-hungry

Jesus is however;
The Light in the darkness
Bread for the spiritually hungry
The Way for the lost
The Truth in this uncertain world
The Life for a dying world.
He is the Lamb who took away the sins of the world and all who repent and believe on Him are saved.

I remember going to a Methodist chapel at Brinsley when we were young and I loved to sing those old songs and hymns but the contrast now when I sing them because now I know as my personal Saviour the one who the songs speak about.

 Years ago I made this model, it’s as hard as nails there is no way that I could do anything else with it, the clay is no longer soft and pliable. 

 But we do not want to be like this, we should be pliable in the hands of God. We should listen and obey and don’t stay stuck hard in our old ways.
Hard or soft what is the state of your heart? Hard against God and His saving work of grace through His Son? Or soft and pliable willing to yield to the things of God and obey His word?

The two disciples who walked down the Emmaus road were grieving, they were lost, they were in despair and darkness and Jesus came to them and walked with them, they couldn't believe that He had no idea what had happened and they told Him all  about it, and Jesus talked with them explaining the Scriptures, but then as they sat together to break bread their eyes were opened and they recognised the Saviour. Oh! the joy, and they ran all the way back to tell the news, their sadness had been turned to joy, their sorrow into rapture. What a contrast. They had had the worst day ever and now it was the best, that is the difference Jesus makes in lives and still does today.
Luke 24:13-35

Thursday, 10 September 2015

A little Spiritual Gardening

Major's musings taken from the core newsletter.
September, the beginning of autumn and our thoughts turn to the 'season of mists and mellow fruitfulness'
I love gardens but I'll be the first to admit I'm not much of a gardener, However, I do know that autumn is the time to plant bulbs  if you want spring flowers in your garden next year. The following are not bulbs, but can be planted in the garden of our lives on a daily basis, any time of the year.

1.       Peace of mind
2.       Peace of heart
3.       Peace of soul

1.       Lettuce be faithful
2.       Lettuce be kind
3.       Lettuce be patient
4.       Lettuce really love each other

1.       Squash gossip
2.       Squash indifference
3.       Squash grumbling
4.       Squash selfishness.

1.       Turnip for meetings
2.       Turnip for service
3.       Turnip to help each other

1.       Thyme for each other
2.       Thyme for families
3.       Thyme for friends

Water freely with patience and cultivate with love. There will be much fruit in your garden because you reap what you sow.

God bless you, Ruth Dykes, (Major)

Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 
 23 gentleness, self-control. 
Against such there is no law.